Unpacking Some of the Fundamental Truths of the Christian Faith

This course is a great journey, which starts with questions and discussions on the nature and character of God and how we get to know Jesus. We conclude by asking the question “who is the Holy Spirit?” and unpack how he helps us live our daily lives.

Who Is God?

We are made in God's image. He is our father and His love defines and guides us. He is eternal, omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent. Find out more about how you can know and follow God in Session 1.

Who Is Jesus?

In Session 2, find out who Jesus is and why He came to earth. Understand His death on the cross, His resurrection, and how He still lives today. Learn more about how we can become like Jesus and receive His salvation. 

Who Is The Holy Spirit?

Learn who the Holy Spirit is, why He was sent to us and how He speaks to us. In Session 3, you’ll come to understand how you can access the Holy Spirit and receive His gifts, fruit, and power. 

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